
Establishing an escrow account to help manage your Kansas City home loan comes with both advantages and disadvantages. An escrow account is an account that is established and managed by a third party to hold back funds for the purpose of paying bills like homeowners insurance or taxes. In many ways, they are a lower risk to both homeowners and mortgage companies.

Lenders Don’t Stress About Your Taxes

Many lenders require that you establish an escrow account when you take out a loan so they can be sure that you can pay your home insurance taxes. Making sure your Kansas City home loan gets paid on time helps ensure that you don’t foreclose, as being forced to do so can negatively affect both homeowners and lenders.

The Right Amount is Paid on Time

When you make monthly payments with an escrow account, agents are required by law to pay the necessary amount on time. If your bill is not paid on time, you are not responsible for paying the late fee.

The agency that holds the escrow is required to pay it, as it was their responsibility to pay the lender. However, it must be remembered that you are also responsible for making your monthly payments that allows the escrow to pay in the first place.

Keep Your Insurance & Insurance Rates

People who opt to pay annual rather than monthly fees may realize they can’t afford it come payment time. This problem can cause you to lose your Kansas City home loan insurance. Even if you lose your insurance for a short amount of time, you can end up with higher payments or even be kept from renewing your policy.

With an escrow account, it is much easier for them to set a budget to set back that money. This simplification is especially handy for those who may be tempted to use that money for other purposes such as luxury purchases.

Low Risk, Low Yield

You do lose money with escrow accounts by paying your lender to assume your tax and insurance responsibility. Some people decide to combine the money they save with the amount of tax and insurance fees and invest them in an account with a higher yield. This decision is risky, however, and you can end up worse off than if you opted for an escrow account.

Interested in an Escrow Account for Your Home Loan?

Contact a Cornerstone Loan Officer Today

The above information is for educational purposes only. All information, loan programs and interest rates are subject to change without notice. All loans subject to underwriter approval. Terms and conditions apply. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deduction.