
You’ve just moved into your new home! Congratulations! As a new homeowner, there are several rules and etiquettes to follow to maintain a good relationship with your neighbors. Even if there are no houses rights next to yours, these homeowner etiquette rules are still important to abide by:

Keep Your Lawn & Home Maintained

What looks better: A home and yard that is well-maintained and clean, or one that looks ill-kept?

Keeping your home and lawn maintained will not only keep it from being the neighborhood eyesore, but boost its curb appeal and potentially raise your home value. That means removing mold from your siding, keeping your lawn mowed and weeded, and fixing cracked pathways. However, that doesn’t mean mowing your lawn in the early morning or late evening when people are trying to sleep.

Keep The Noise Down

On that note, it is important to keep the noise to a minimum. The general rule is to avoid unnecessary loud noises from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. so you don’t disturb your neighbors. If a neighbor does come around to reasonably ask you to be a little quieter, be polite in your response and try to acquiesce their request.

There is an exception to this rule: If it is the middle of the day and you are doing repairs on your home, there is little you can do about the noise. If a neighbor complains, patiently explain to them that the work is needed and will be done as soon as possible.

Respect Your Neighbor’s Property

It’s understandable that you may not have a lawn mower or other piece of equipment immediately after moving into your new home, but try to avoid borrowing things from your neighbors or getting things on their lawn—especially if you are not on good terms with them yet.

Respecting your neighbor’s property will go a long way in establishing a good relationship with those neighbors. If you must borrow something, remember to return it as soon as possible and in the same condition in which you received it.

Don’t Expect Gifts Or Help

A new home typically means housewarming parties and friends and family over to help you move. However, don’t expect everyone to drop what they are doing to buy you house warming gifts or help you decorate your new home. Your friends and family have busy lives so if they are unable to help immediately, don’t try to guilt them into helping you sooner. Doing so will only cause resentment.

When they do help you or send you a gift (no matter how big or small), show appreciation by doing something for them in return, whether that is treating them to dinner or reciprocating that help when they need it.

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