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Profitable home improvements to make before selling your home

Getting ready to sell your home? Now is the time to take a long, hard look at the benefits of making some home upgrades before you put it in the market. After all, you want to be able to sell it for more than you bought it for.

Many small DIY home improvements can yield big returns on closing day.  Some of the most profitable home improvements can be found in the kitchen and bathroom. These rooms have one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) regarding resale value.


Look at your current kitchen and jot down some ways it can be improved. These improvements can be as minor as new hardware like cabinet handles to larger projects like new countertops and appliances. There are many ways to improve a kitchen without tearing out everything and starting fresh, like refinishing cabinets and freshening them up with new paint.


A newly remodeled bathroom will improve your quality of life when you’re in your home as well as raising the resale value. Good lighting is essential, as well as expanded  storage space and an updated shower.

Curb appeal

First impressions when you pull up to a home go a long way. Low-cost improvements to the exterior of your home could include planting some flowers, trimming back the landscaping and keeping the entry way fresh and clean.

How to get new ideas for home improvements

When getting ideas for improvements in your home before you sell, it’s always good to browse open houses in your area. What improvements have been made in these homes, if any? What are the conditions of the homes, and how much are they selling for? This will help you understand their market value as well as what your home might sell for. Your realtor will be able to help you with this.

Before upgrading, understand the costs

Before you begin any home upgrade project, you must understand its costs. Smart sellers will weigh the costs of the improvements against how much they can potentially get from them. This means:

  • Focusing on the right projects
  • Knowing when to hire a professional
  • Having a plan before you begin
  • Being conscious of quality

It’s also a good idea to avoid trends. These are often fleeting, and buyers are looking for “good bones,” like good counters, lighting, cabinets, etc.

Final thoughts

When selling your home, disclose repairs needed to the house and any improvements made. Buyers will be looking for this information and will appreciate you being upfront about it as the seller.

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